Dear A Trailers,
There’s a knowledge gap. Help us fill it.
Our good friends at Venture Education want to understand foreign parents in China and their perceptions of international education and schools. They hope to hear from as many foreign passport-holder parents as possible, and they’d love your help!
They have launched a survey for parents whose children are attending or will attend international schools in China. The survey will take 15 minutes to complete and participants could WIN an amazing 4-day family adventure through the rolling hills of Guilin and Yangshuo.

All participants will be entered into a lottery for an amazing 4-day exploration of Guilin and Yangshuo’s beautiful landscapes. This package includes not just bed and breakfast at two idyllic hideouts, but also adventure-packed days of hiking, cycling, and cooking (or bamboo rafting for the brave). One family will be the lucky winner of this unforgettable getaway from the city.*
*Accommodation and a driver will be provided; however, airfares are not included.
Following the survey, if you still want to be involved, please join their 30-minute interview. Interviewees will receive a goodie bag of hand-picked books. Contact violet@ventureeducation.org if you are interested.
Thank you and good luck!
A Trails Team